The Intern Academy connects internships from a variety of churches and non-profits committed to teaching the same pillars of Character, Leadership and Mentoring to each intern.


  1. Train Interns - We will provide interns with the best collective training experiences, resources and network.

  2. Help Ministries - We will help churches and non-profit ministries in need of leadership by preparing healthy, trained and capable interns for maximum kingdom impact.

  3. Resource Coaches - We will provide resources for Coaches with a Kingdom minded vision to make a difference.

  4. Network Leaders - We will connect, encourage and train interns, graduates and coaches of the Academy throughout their ministry lifetime in a network, which includes resources, tools, relationships, gatherings and the Intern Academy Retreat.

Want to Know More?

Complete this form, and someone from Intern Academy will reach out to connect with you about becoming a coach

Ready to Commit?

Click here if you are ready to sign the Coach’s Covenant and commit to being an Intern Academy Coach.

Pay Membership Fees

Click here to pay your annual Intern Academy membership fees or to make a donation to Intern Academy.

Intern Academy is a network committed to building character, developing leadership skills, and mentoring.

See how you can join in.